

Dois Tempos

There’s a time for every season, it’ll be done in a minute… The topic of time never ceases to fascinate us, and the same goes for the designers from the R2 studio in Portugal. They created a space installation entitled Dois tempos (Two Times).

You can admire Dois Tempos until 30 April 2009 at the outside wall of the Ermida da Nossa Senhora da Conceição. This former chapel turned into a modern art gallery has previously inspired the same group to create the Vai com Deus installation, for which they received the silver award in ED Awards 2009 in the Signs and Displays category. The new installation is based on newspaper titles from The Guardian, New York Times, Liberation, and others. The artists made them into three-dimensional signs covered with fluorescent paint and they placed them on the outside of the building. Thanks to this unusual material, the signs look different at any time of the day and night and they remind us of the flow of time.

It’s a pity Porto is so far away…

Dois Tempos

Check R2 website, you’ll find there a gallery of images showing the process of installation and the final façade from different angels.


2. 10. 2009 Filip Blažek
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Comments (1)

this silly phrase(“It’s a pity Porto is so far away…”)represents the sum total of your knowledge. please buy a brand New Eyes! :)

alexandre alexandrerola.com
15. 11. 2010, 13:26

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Filip Blažek

Co-founder of TYPO magazine, graphic designer, owner of Designiq studio, teacher, co-author of Practical Typography.

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