Author: Filip Blažek
TyPoll – Typo Survey
Trnava Poster Triennial 2012
Type Specimen for iPad
European Design Awards 2011 – call for entries

The European Design Awards is the comprehensive annual awards organization celebrating the best of graphic design, illustration and digital design in Europe. A joint effort by 15 communication design magazines from across the continent, the ED-Awards is a brilliant way to publicise your work on an international level.
Austrian Design in Prague
Review: Creative Characters
Design in the centre and on the outskirts
1st Mediterranean Design Workshop

The Mediterranean Design Workshop is a new international design and cultural event that will take place annually on the Greek island of Tinos. It’s organized by design professionals, encouraging a global view on everything design-related, and anything design can find common ground with for a creative intercourse.
AGI Open 2010
Ten Images for Ithaca – Design Workshops

Ten Images for Ithaca offer to design students and young professionals the opportunity to spend a week, this July, on the island of Ithaca, focusing on design and the creative process through two workshops led by British typographer and educator Phil Baines and the creative directors of the Athens based agency “pi6 communication design”.
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