Author: Filip Blažek
European Design Festival
TypeTalks Symposium
TYPO #39 is now hot off the press!

Dear Readers, the latest issue of TYPO is now hot off the press! Inside you will find an article about Jiří Rathouský from our series mapping out the lives and oeuvres of prominent 20th century Czech graphic designers, accompanies by an as yet unpublished final interview Rathouský gave shortly before he passed away in 2003.
Dynamic graphic design and kinetic typography

The next edition of The International Typography Workshops is devoted to dynamic graphic design and kinetic typography, associated most of all with the on-screen edition and electronic media. Two-weeks classes (in English) are conducted by Dan Boyarski from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh and Jan Kubasiewicz – MASS ART, in Boston (USA).
European Design Awards

The submission period of ED Awards ends on February 15. The European Design Awards is the comprehensive annual awards organization acknowledging the best of graphic design, illustration and multimedia design in Europe. It is based on a collaboration of 14 prestigious communication design magazines in Europe.
Wolda, deadline is approaching

TYPO Magazines is a partner of Wolda, the high-profile graphic design award scheme that rewards the best logos and trademarks designed throughout the world. The winners are selected by an international three-tier jury consisting of 10 top design professionals, 10 marketing managers from major international clients and finally 10 members of the public.
Responsibility in Graphic Design

The Design Department at the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice cordially invites all design teachers, researchers, students, alumni and professionals to participate in the 2nd International Design Conference under the heading “Responsibility in Graphic Design”, to be held on the 14–15th of January 2010 in Katowice at the Roundabout Art Gallery.
Posters of the 1989 Velvet Revolution

The brand new publication Posters of the 1989 Velvet Revolution contains reproductions of 47 posters from November and December 1989, and the stories surrounding the creation of the posters are captured in interviews with 13 poster creators. The book has 144 colour pages, measures 21×21 cm and is published in Czech and English.
ATypI Conference – Day Three

I found the fact the conference only had single-track lectures very comfortable. No dilemma whom to prefer. I was also pretty satisfied with the idea od 20-minute lectures, it led to a speakers’ briefness. During the third (and last) day I presented my collection of posters from the 1989 Velvet revolution.
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