Typo 49 – autumn 2012

The Autumn issue (no. 49) puts the spotlight on India. Learn about the huge diversity of Indian scripts, independent book design and the disappearing world of traditional sign painting.
guest editor David Březina
India: A country with diversity and aspiring for unity
Mahendra Patel
An overview of India’s main scripts and languages as seen in the work of a typographer and Gutenberg Award laureate
From Goa to the Gutenberg award
Graham Shaw
Travel back in time to the mid-16th century and the very beginnings of print on the Indian subcontinent
Past Modern
Mohamed Rizwan
Presentation of 20th century Indian typography and calligraphy and a number of exceptional current projects
Interview with Hanif Kureshi
Dot Georgoulas
A discussion on digitising traditional Indian hand-painted letterforms
Gujarati display types in the 20th century
Kalapi Gajjar
The history of two major type foundries
Independent India
Rathna Ramanathan
A look at the work and graphic style of independent book publishers
Indická písma
David Březina
Úvod do tvorby fontů pro indické písmové systémy
A Script called Meetei Mayek
Neelakash Kshetrimayum
Meet Meetei Mayek, a script that is returning to school curricula in northern Indian Manipur after a 250-year hiatus
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Pavel Noga
Review of the new book by KesselsKramer, an award-winning Dutch graphic studio
MKE SHIFT: TypeCon 2012 Milwaukee
John D. Berry
A look back at this year’s conference by the president of ATypI
Bienále Brno 2012
Martin Pecina
Thoughts on the closing symposium and international graphic design exhibition